Smith & Wesson 18-3 .22LR
Double Action / Single ActionBroken Rear Sight Blade - otherwise functional4" Bore Condition Very Go..
Smith & Wesson 39-2 9mm w/ Magazine
Overall Condition is Good - missing grip screwBore Condition Very GoodFeatures DecockerS&W Magaz..
Smith & Wesson 59 9mm w/ Magazine *Gunsmith Special
Gunsmith Special: SOLD AS-IS-Grip Crack - Barrel Bushing Damage - Recoil Guide Rod Channel DamageBor..
Smith & Wesson Model 5903 9mm w/ Magazine * Gunsmith Special
Gunsmith Special: SOLD AS-IS-occasional decocker failureBore Condition Very Good15rd Magazine Includ..
Smith & Wesson Model 5903 9mm w/ Magazine * Gunsmith Special
Gunsmith Special: SOLD AS-IS for Parts-Broken frame rail - missing parts (see pictures)15rd Magazine..
Smith & Wesson Model 59
Smith & Wesson Model 59 9mmNickel Finish Overall Condition Very GoodBore Condition Very GoodFeat..
Smith & Wesson Model 66-1 .357 Magnum Stainless Steel S&W
Overall Condition Good+6" Bore Condition Very GoodWood GripsCarefully import marked on barrel (Pictu..
Smith & Wesson Model 669 9mm w/ Magazine *Gunsmith Special
Gunsmith Special: SOLD AS-IS-missing front sightBore Condition Very GoodSlide Mounted Safety / Decoc..
Smith & Wesson Model 6906 9mm w/ Magazine *Gunsmith Special
Gunsmith Special: SOLD AS-IS- occasionally, trigger fails to engage and will not fire -Magazine Safe..
Smith & Wesson SW9F 9mm *Gunsmith Special
Gunsmith Special : SOLD AS-IS- slide damage -unable to assemble -takedown malfunction?17rd S&W M..
Smith & Wesson SW9F 9mm *Gunsmith Special
Gunsmith Special : SOLD AS-IS-unable to assemble - takedown malfunction?$30 Shipping - NO CC FEECare..
Walther P-22 .22LR *Gunsmith Special
Gunsmith Special: SOLD AS-IS- broken slideBore Condition Very GoodNo Magazine$30 Shipping - NO CC FE..